Show me the rulebook

I'm supposed to say something cute here, aren't I?

Sunday, February 18, 2007

I stink....

I'm not a very good blogger. That's quite obvious given the great lengths of time between the very few posts I do have. Since I'm American and have the right to blame others for shortcomings I'll blame my grade school teachers for not showing me how to properly do what they called "free association writing".

Well, it's not really their fault but I never did understand that writing style. The drill was to write for a set amount of time anything that came to your mind. Anything. Some students wrote furiously, smoke coming out of their pencils. I usually just kind of sat there, wrote maybe one or two sentences. It wasn't because I wasn't thinking, I just never saw the point in writing something that nobody else was going to understand. I think the free association exercises were to prepare us for writing rough drafts of assignments. Another skill I didn't have. When I write, and I still do it this way, I do one draft. Almost like I'm using a typewriter and I want to use as little whiteout as possible. In short, my style has always been to get it right the first time, make it the way I want it from word one. I didn't write a draft and re-write that same draft three times as they wanted us to in school. One draft. Then edit later for factual and grammatical errors.

So maybe that's why I'm not a good blogger. I feel like I'm wasting people's time if they're reading something that I wrote just for the sake of writing. I always felt like there should be some kind of message not randome musings.

So what's the message here? There really is no "write" or wrong way.


  • At 4:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    i have no idea why i even look to see if you've written anything.

    sweet picture in dirt rider p.s.


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